Showing 33–48 of 69 results

  • Philodendron ‘Brasil’ 4″


    Philodendron ‘Brasil’ Care

    Light: Philodendron ‘Brasil’ prefers bright, indirect light.

    Watering: Allow the top inch or two of the soil to dry out before watering.

    Humidity: Philodendron ‘Brasil’ appreciates moderate to high humidity levels.

    Temperature: This plant thrives in typical indoor temperatures between 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C).

    Soil: Use a well-draining, peat-based potting mix. You can also add some perlite or orchid bark to improve drainage.

    Fertilization: During the growing season (spring and summer), feed your plant every 4-6 weeks with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half the recommended strength.

  • Philodendron ‘Brasil’ 6″


    Philodendron ‘Brasil’ Care

    Light: Philodendron ‘Brasil’ prefers bright, indirect light.

    Watering: Allow the top inch or two of the soil to dry out before watering.

    Humidity: Philodendron ‘Brasil’ appreciates moderate to high humidity levels.

    Temperature: This plant thrives in typical indoor temperatures between 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C).

    Soil: Use a well-draining, peat-based potting mix. You can also add some perlite or orchid bark to improve drainage.

    Fertilization: During the growing season (spring and summer), feed your plant every 4-6 weeks with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half the recommended strength.

  • Placeholder

    Philodendron ‘Burle Marx’ (variegated) 4.5″


    Philodendron ‘Burle Marx’ (variegated) Care

    Light: Provide bright, indirect sunlight for your Philodendron ‘Burle Marx.’

    Watering: Allow the top inch or so of the soil to dry out before watering.

    Humidity: Philodendron ‘Burle Marx’ benefits from higher humidity levels.

    Temperature: Maintain temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C).

    Soil: Use a well-draining, rich potting mix that retains some moisture without becoming waterlogged.

    Fertilization: Feed your Philodendron ‘Burle Marx’ with a balanced, diluted, water-soluble fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). Apply the fertilizer every 4-6 weeks to provide essential nutrients.

  • Philodendron ‘Chocolate Empress’ 4″


    Philodendron ‘Chocolate Empress’ Care

    Light: Provide bright, indirect light for your Philodendron ‘Chocolate Empress.’

    Temperature: Maintain a warm and consistent temperature between 65-80°F (18-27°C).

    Humidity: This plant appreciates higher humidity levels. You can maintain humidity by misting the foliage regularly or using a humidity tray.

    Watering: Water your ‘Chocolate Empress’ when the top inch of the soil feels dry to the touch. Water thoroughly, allowing excess water to drain from the pot.

    Soil: Use a well-draining, high-quality potting mix rich in organic matter. A mix that includes peat moss, perlite, and orchid bark works well.

    Fertilization: Feed your Philodendron ‘Chocolate Empress’ with a balanced liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer).

  • Philodendron ‘Painted Lady’ 4.5″


    Philodendron ‘Painted Lady’ Care

    Light: Provide bright, indirect sunlight for your Philodendron ‘Painted Lady.’ It thrives in medium to bright indirect light.

    Watering: Allow the top inch or so of the soil to dry out before watering.

    Humidity: Philodendron ‘Painted Lady’ appreciates higher humidity levels.

    Temperature: Keep the plant in temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C).

    Soil: Use a well-draining, rich potting mix that retains some moisture without becoming waterlogged.

    Fertilization: Feed your Philodendron ‘Painted Lady’ with a balanced, diluted, water-soluble fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). Apply the fertilizer every 4-6 weeks to provide essential nutrients.

  • Philodendron ‘Paraiso Verde’ 4″


    Philodendron ‘Paraiso Verde’ Care

    Light: Place your Philodendron ‘Paraiso Verde’ in moderate, indirect light. It can tolerate some lower light conditions, making it a versatile choice for various indoor settings.

    Temperature: Maintain a consistent room temperature between 65-80°F (18-27°C).

    Humidity: While ‘Paraiso Verde’ can adapt to different humidity levels, it thrives in moderate to high humidity.

    Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water your ‘Paraiso Verde’ when the top inch of the soil feels dry to the touch.

    Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix, ideally formulated for aroids or houseplants.

    Fertilization: Feed your Philodendron ‘Paraiso Verde’ every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half the recommended strength.

  • Philodendron ‘Ring of Fire’ 4.5″


    Philodendron ‘Ring of Fire’ Care

    Light: Provide bright, indirect sunlight for your Philodendron ‘Ring of Fire.’

    Watering: Allow the top inch or so of the soil to dry out before watering.

    Humidity: Philodendron ‘Ring of Fire’ appreciates higher humidity levels.

    Temperature: Keep the plant in temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C).

    Soil: Use a well-draining, rich potting mix that retains some moisture without becoming waterlogged.

    Fertilization: Feed your Philodendron ‘Ring of Fire’ with a balanced, diluted, water-soluble fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). Apply the fertilizer every 4-6 weeks to provide essential nutrients.

  • Philodendron ‘Silver Stripe’ 4″


    Philodendron ‘Silver Stripe’ Care

    Light: Provide bright, indirect sunlight for your Philodendron ‘Silver Stripe.’ It thrives in medium to bright indirect light.

    Watering: Allow the top inch or so of the soil to dry out before watering.

    Humidity: Philodendron ‘Silver Stripe’ appreciates higher humidity levels.

    Temperature: Keep the plant in temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C).

    Soil: Use a well-draining, rich potting mix that retains some moisture without becoming waterlogged.

    Fertilization: Feed your Philodendron ‘Silver Stripe’ with a balanced, diluted, water-soluble fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). Apply the fertilizer every 4-6 weeks to provide essential nutrients.

  • Philodendron ‘Snowdrift’ 4.5″


    Philodendron ‘Snowdrift’ Care

    Light: Provide bright, indirect sunlight for your Philodendron ‘Snowdrift.’ It thrives in medium to bright indirect light.

    Watering: Allow the top inch or so of the soil to dry out before watering.

    Humidity: Philodendron ‘Snowdrift’ appreciates higher humidity levels.

    Temperature: Keep the plant in temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C).

    Soil: Use a well-draining, rich potting mix that retains some moisture without becoming waterlogged.

    Fertilization: Feed your Philodendron ‘Snowdrift’ with a balanced, diluted, water-soluble fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). Apply the fertilizer every 4-6 weeks to provide essential nutrients.

  • Philodendron ‘White Princess’ 4.5″


    Philodendron ‘White Princess’ Care

    Light: Provide bright, indirect sunlight for your Philodendron ‘White Princess.’ It thrives in medium to bright indirect light.

    Watering: Allow the top inch or so of the soil to dry out before watering.

    Humidity: Philodendron ‘White Princess’ appreciates higher humidity levels.

    Temperature: Keep the plant in temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C).

    Soil: Use a well-draining, rich potting mix that retains some moisture without becoming waterlogged.

    Fertilization: Feed your Philodendron ‘White Princess’ with a balanced, diluted, water-soluble fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). Apply the fertilizer every 4-6 weeks to provide essential nutrients.

  • Philodendron billietiae 4″


    Philodendron billietiae Care

    Light: Provide bright, indirect sunlight for your Philodendron billietiae. It thrives in medium to bright indirect light.

    Watering: Allow the top few inches of the soil to dry out before watering. Philodendron billietiae prefers slightly moist soil but is sensitive to overwatering.

    Humidity: Philodendron billietiae appreciates higher humidity levels.

    Temperature: Keep the plant in temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C).

    Soil: Use a well-draining, aroid-specific potting mix or a mixture of regular potting soil, perlite, and orchid bark to provide good drainage.

    Fertilization: Feed your Philodendron billietiae with a balanced, diluted, water-soluble fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer).

  • Philodendron gigas 4.5″


    Philodendron gigas Care

    Light: Provide bright, indirect light for your Philodendron gigas.

    Temperature and Humidity: Maintain a warm and humid environment for your Philodendron gigas. The ideal temperature range is between 65-80°F (18-27°C). Higher humidity levels, ideally around 60-80%, will help the plant flourish.

    Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water when the top inch (2.5 cm) of the soil feels slightly dry.

    Soil: Use well-draining, high-quality potting mix.

    Fertilization: During the growing season (spring and summer), feed your Philodendron gigas with a balanced liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks. Dilute the fertilizer to half the recommended strength.

  • Philodendron pastazanum ‘Silver’ 6″


    Philodendron pastazanum ‘Silver’ Care

    Light: Provide bright, indirect light for your Philodendron pastazanum ‘Silver.’ It thrives in moderate to bright, filtered sunlight.

    Temperature: Maintain a warm and consistent temperature range between 70-80°F (21-27°C).

    Humidity: Philodendron pastazanum ‘Silver’ appreciates higher humidity levels. Regularly misting the foliage or using a humidity tray can help maintain the humidity it prefers.

    Watering: Water your plant when the top inch of the soil feels dry to the touch. Water thoroughly, allowing excess water to drain from the pot’s bottom.

    Soil: Use a well-draining, rich potting mix that retains some moisture but allows excess water to escape. A mixture of peat moss, perlite, and orchid bark works well.

    Fertilization: Feed your Philodendron pastazanum ‘Silver’ with a balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer) about once a month.

  • Pilea ‘Dark Mystery’ 3.5″


    Pilea Dark Mystery Care

    Light: Indirect to medium light; avoid direct sunlight.

    Watering: Allow top inch of soil to dry between waterings; water moderately.

    Humidity: Moderate to high humidity; mist occasionally.

    Temperature: Maintain temperatures between 60-75°F (15-24°C).

    Soil: Use well-draining, peat-based potting mix.

    Fertilization: Feed monthly with a balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season.

  • Pilea ‘Moon Valley’ 4″


    Pilea ‘Moon Valley’

    Light: Indirect to medium light; avoid direct sunlight.

    Watering: Allow top inch of soil to dry between waterings; water moderately.

    Humidity: Moderate to high humidity; mist occasionally.

    Temperature: Maintain temperatures between 60-75°F (15-24°C).

    Soil: Use well-draining, peat-based potting mix.

    Fertilization: Feed monthly with a balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season.

  • Pilea glauca ‘Aquamarine’ 3″


    Pilea glauca ‘Aquamarine’ Care

    Light: Provide bright, indirect sunlight for your Pilea glauca ‘Aquamarine.’ It thrives in medium to bright indirect light.

    Watering: Allow the top inch or so of the soil to dry out before watering.

    Humidity: Pilea glauca ‘Aquamarine’ can tolerate average indoor humidity levels.

    Temperature: Keep the plant in temperatures between 60-75°F (15-24°C).

    Soil: Use a well-draining succulent or cactus potting mix.

    Fertilization: Feed your Pilea glauca ‘Aquamarine’ with a diluted, balanced, water-soluble fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). Apply the fertilizer every 4-6 weeks to provide essential nutrients.